Day 1 – Friday, 29 March 2019
14:00-14:10 | Opening |
14:10-15:20 | Plenary session / Congress Hall |
14:10–14:45 | PL-1 Lajos Haracska Engines of carcinogenesis; what determines the speed of mutagenesis? |
14:45–15:20 | PL-2 Péter Lénárt Unexpected functions of the actin cytoskeleton in meiotic divisions of oocytes |
15:20-16:10 | Tankó awards |
15:20-15:45 |
TA-1 László Vigh From thermosensor membranes to membrane lipid therapy |
15:45–16:10 | TA-2 Ferenc Erdődi Forty years with protein phosphatases: past, present and future |
16:10-16:50 | Coffee break |
16:50-17:55 | Cell differentiation & Signaling / Congress Hall Chair: László Buday |
Stem cells / Session Room Liget I. Chair: András Nagy |
16:50–17:10 | O-01 Gábor Bánhegyi Ca2+ mobilization dependent reduction of the ER lumen is due to influx of cytosolic glutathione |
O-05 András Nagy Treating disease with organoids requires solutions for two major hurdles |
17:10-17:25 | O-02 Zoltán Kármán Identification of novel substrates of the evolutionarily conserved PP4 phosphatase to better understand its role in mitosis |
O-06 Nándor Nagy Talpid3 regulates multiple aspects of neuromuscular patterning during gastrointestinal development in animal models and human |
17:25-17:40 | O-03 Gergő Kovács Role of RYBP in balancing between early and late neural processes |
O-07 Ádám Oszwald Extracellular vesicles transmit epithelial growth factor activity in the intestinal epithelial stem cell niche |
17:40–17:55 | O-04 Endre Kristóf Functional characterization and gene expression patterns of human adipocytes from the neck support high thermogenic potential in the deep region |
O-08 Annamária Nemes Generating new human vascular smooth muscle cells from pluripotent stem cells |
17:55-18:00 | Technical break | |
18:00-18:45 | Sponsored talks (companies) / Congress Hall |
18:00-18:15 | ST-1 ROCHE, Ádám Józsa Roche Molecular Solutions in life science |
18:15-18:30 | ST-2 ZEISS, Gert Sonntag Fast and Gentle 3D Superresolution |
18:30-18:45 | ST-3 ThermoFisher Scientific, Salvatore Conti Ion GeneStudio S5 systems: New tools for further NGS pipelines by ThermoFisher Scientific |
19:00-20:30 | Welcome dinner | |
20:30-22:00 | Poster discussion with drinks – Poster session I. (P001 – P114) Jump to Poster session I. |
Day 2 – Saturday, 30 March 2019
9:00-10:20 | Developmental Genetics / Congress Hall Chair: Rita Sinka |
Plant biology / Session Room Liget I. Chair: László Szabados |
9:00-9:20 | O-09 Alexander W. Bruce Deciphering the nodal role of p38 family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) towards specifying primitive endoderm (PrE) fate in the inner cell mass (ICM) of late-blastocyst stage mouse pre-implantation embryo |
O-14 László Szabados Light control of salt-induced proline accumulation is mediated by ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 in Arabidopsis |
9:20-9:35 | O-10 Viktor Honti Analysis of sessile tissue integrity and function in Drosophila melanogaster |
O-15 Dóra Faragó SMALL PARAQUAT RESISTANT protein controlling stress responses in higher plants |
9:35-9:50 | O-11 Tamás Annus Zebrafish as a model for Bloom’s syndrome |
O-16 Károly Fátyol Involvement of RNA binding proteins in plant antiviral responses |
9:50-10:05 | O-12 Viktor Vedelek Changes of mitochondria in Drosophila melanogaster spermatids |
O-17 László Kozma-Bognár Ubiquitin protease 12 affects the function of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana |
10:05-10:20 | O-13 Szilárd Szikora Nanoscale reconstruction of flight muscle sarcomeres |
O-18 Nikoletta Murvai The protective effect of ERD14 – the versatility of an intrinsically disordered chaperon |
10:20-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00-12:50 | Epienetics & Regulation of Gene expression / Congress Hall Chair: Imre Boros |
Protein structure & function / Session Room Liget I. Chair: László Nyitray |
11:00-11:20 | O-19 Zoltán Ivics Transposase and host factor determinants of target site selection by DNA transposons |
O-26 László Nyitray Two tales of protein tails: regulation by S100 protein binding and phosphorylation |
11:20-11:35 | O-20 Ferenc Jankovics Small ovary (sov): a novel heterochromatin regulator in Drosophila |
O-27 András Benedek Insights into the structural background of dUTPase inhibition by a proteinaceous inhibitor |
11:35-11:50 | O-21 Lóránt Székvölgyi R-loop binding proteins: from chromatin to therapeutic targeting |
O-28 Ágnes Tantos Disordered regions of Mixed Lineage Leukemia 4 (MLL4) protein are capable of RNA binding |
11:50-12:05 | O-22 László Imre Regulation via PTMs, histone variants and extrachromosomal interactions are all mediated by large changes of nucleosome stability |
O-29 Katalin Goda Studying the catalytic cycle of Pgp and ABCG2 transporters |
12:05-12:20 | O-23 Zoltán Villányi Ccr4-Not complex is at the core of the gene expression circuitry |
O-30 Zoltán Lipinszki Characterization of a cis-acting protein stabilization motif that functions as a universal STABILON in higher Eukaryotes |
12:20-12:35 | O-24 Izabella Bajusz Germ cells unleashed: Role of Rybp in regulating germ cell determinants |
O-31 Márton András Simon Functional redundancy within the S100 protein family |
12:35-12:50 | O-25 Bálint L. Bálint Chromatin level determinants of cellular identity |
O-32 Jitrayut Jitonnom Multiscale quantum modeling in biocatalysis: a tool for predicting enzymatic reactivity and selectivity |
12:50-14:10 | Lunch |
14:10-15:20 | Plenary session / Congress Hall |
14:10-14:45 | PL-3 Norbert Pardi Nucleoside-modified mRNA therapeutics-developing a new class of drugs |
14:45-15:20 | PL-4 László Csanády Asymmetric movements reveal distinct roles of the two ATP binding sites in the CFTR anion channel |
15:20-15:30 | Technical break |
15:30-17:00 | Genome manipulation& archeogenetics / Congress Hall Chair: Anna Szécsényi-Nagy |
Pathobiochemistry / Session Room Liget I. Chair: Ferenc Gallyas |
15:30-15:45 | O-33 Tamás Fehér Downregulating insertional mutagenesis in bacterial genomes using CRISPR-interference |
O-39 Anikó Göblös CARD14 gene variants and nuclear factor κB (NFκB) activation in pityriasis rubra pilaris |
15:45-16:00 | O-34 Andreea Daraba Haploinsufficiency: mechanisms and evolution |
O-40 Zsuzsanna Szvicsek Apc mutation induces extracellular vesicle release from intestinal organoids |
16:00-16:15 | O-35 Péter István Kulcsár Increased fidelity variants exhibit varying activities on different targets |
O-41 Marcela Buchtova Disruption of primary cilia function initiates region-specific craniofacial defects |
16:15-16:30 | O-36 Bea Szeifert Genetic investigation of archeological sites in Russia that can be associated with early Hungarians |
O-42 Éva Margittai Epigenetic role of ascorbate compartmentalization in human diseases |
16:30-16:45 | O-37 Endre Neparáczki Y-chromosome haplogroups from Hun, Avar and conquering Hungarian nomadic people of the Carpathian Basin |
O-43 Tibor Sághy Loss of transglutaminase 2 sensitizes for diet-induced obesity-related inflammation, insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis |
16:45-17:00 | O-38 Anna Szécsényi-Nagy Archaeogenetic evidence on the origin and social organization of the Avar period elite (7-8th centuries AD) |
O-44 István Krizbai Pattern recognition receptors and inflammasome activation in cerebral endothelial cells and pericytes |
17:00-19:00 | Poster discussion with coffee break – Poster session II. (P115 – P225) Jump to Poster session II. |
20:00- | Banquet |
Day 3 – Sunday, 31 March 2019
9:30-11:00 | Systems biology & Bioinformatics / Congress Hall Chair: Zsuzsanna Dosztányi |
DNA repair & Carcinogenesis / Session Room Liget I. Chair: Lajos Haracska |
9:30-9:45 | O-45 Attila Csikász-Nagy Cell cycle arrest due to proteostasis decline in aging yeast cells |
O-51 Éva Bálint A new modulator of the synthetic activity of Polymerase η |
9:45-10:00 | O-46 Erik Czipa ChIPSummitDB: A comprehensive database of human transcription factor binding sites and the topological arrangements of transcription factor complexes on the DNA |
O-52 Péter Burkovics Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mgs1 protein contributes to G-quadruplex replication |
10:00-10:15 | O-47 Borbála Hajdú-Soltész Identifying driver regions in hypermutated cancer genomes |
O-53 Hajnalka Pálinkás Capturing the transient profile of uracil accumulation in human genomic DNA by super-resolution microscopy and genome-wide uracil-DNA sequencing analysis |
10:15-10:30 | O-48 Lajos Kalmár Linking the resistome to the microbiome in complex microbial communities |
O-54 László Hiripi Gene targeting of dUTPase in mice leads to early embryonic lethality |
10:30-10:45 | O-49 Balázs Ligeti Fast and sensitive detection of pathogens from high throughput sequencing data |
O-55 Gábor Harami Molecular mechanism of legitimate DNA homology sensing by RecQ helicase |
10:45-11:00 | O-50 Georgina Csizmadia Defining transmembrane regions using cryo-EM maps: the MemBlob database and server |
O-56 Bernadett Szikriszt Analysis of the mutagenic effect of platinum-based chemoterapeutic agents in cell line based model system |
11:00-11:30 | Coffee break | |
11:30-12:35 | Proteomics / Congress Hall Chair: Katalin Medzihradszky |
Autophagy and intracellular trafficking / Session Room Liget I. Chair: Tibor Vellai |
11:30-11:50 | O-57 Katalin Medzihradszky A neglected post-translational modification: extracellular O-glycosylation |
O-62 Attila Boda The role of the small GTPases Arl8 and Rab7 in crinophagic degradation |
11:50-12:05 | O-58 Éva Csősz Complex proteomics and metabolomics examination of wound healing markers in glaucoma patients following trabeculectomy |
O-63 Zsófia Budai Macrophages engulf apoptotic and primary necrotic thymocytes through similar phosphatidylserine-dependent mechanisms |
12:05-12:15 | O-59 Gábor Juhász Proteomics and genomics studies on pathological and physiological functioning of the nervous system |
O-64 Zsolt Lakatos Drosophila Sec20 regulates autophagy and endocytosis independently of the Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport |
12:15-12:25 | O-60 Simon Sugár Analysis of the N-glycosylation of the HeLa cell lysate |
O-65 Tibor Kovács Hemocytes regulate selective autophagy during regeneration of germline stem cells in Drosophila |
12:25-12:35 | O-61 Zoltán Szabó Quantitative proteomics at peak: evaluation of novel approaches in mass spectrometry based proteomics |
O-66 Gábor Glatz SNARE protein Ykt6 as swiss army knife in vesicular fusion events |
12:40-13:00 | Closing and award ceremony / Congress Hall |
13:00- | Lunch |
Poster Session I. (P001 – P114) – Friday, 29 March 2019
P-001 | Krisztina H.-Minkó Ablation of cranial neural crest affects development of the thymus Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-002 | Kinga Lénárt Beige cells of tissue transglutaminase knock-out mice possess attenuated response to adrenergic agonists Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-003 | Csaba Matta Circadian rhythms during early chondrogenesis Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-004 | Enikő Sutus Connecting RYBP to the retinoic acid signalling pathway during neural differentiation Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-005 | Abhirup Shaw Distinct gene expression patterns, unrelated to thermogenesis, are induced in human adipocytes from the neck in response to Irisin and BMP7 Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-006 | Péter Kaltenecker Examining the role of Wnt/PCP proteins in axon growth and neuronal cytoskeleton regulation Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-007 | Vikas Patel Gene expression signature of BRAF inhibitor resistant melanoma shperoids Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-008 | Gergely István Varga Headcase is a regulator of hemocyte differentiation in Drosophila melanogaster Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-009 | Erika Gábor Individual immunity of a social insect the honey bee (Apis mellifera) Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-010 | Sándor Katz Inflammatory cytokines transdifferentiate mesenteric mesothelial cells into macrophages Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-011 | Balázs Barátki Inflammatory signal-induced IL-10 production of marginal zone B cells depends on CREB Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-012 | Viktória Zsiros Internalization of GM-CSFR β is essential to initiate mesothelial-to-macrophage transition Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-013 | Roland Ádám Takács Investigating the role of septins in chondrogenic high density cultures Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-014 | Éva Katona Investigation of molecular clock elements in WM35 melanoma cells Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-015 | Randa Naffa p38 MAP kinase mediates degradation of the putative metastasis suppressor PMCA4b in BRAF mutant melanoma cells Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-016 | Zoltán Márton Köhler Proteoglycan-mediated glucose uptake and mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscle cells Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-017 | Zsófia Thalwieser Role of protein phosphatase 2A B55α in angiogenesis Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-018 | Anita Boratkó Role of TIMAP-PP1c complex in neuronal cell differentiation Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-019 | Viktória Szabó RYBP is essential for the maturation of cardiomyocytes in vitro Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-020 | György Török Specific detection of the cell polarity regulator LKB1 Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-021 | Krisztina Tóth The effect of the formin DAAM on cytoskeleton rearrangements in Drosophila melanogaster Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-022 | Csaba Matta The effects of a hyperosmotic environment on cartilage formation Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-023 | Zita Lerner The formation of Multinucleated Giant Hemocytes, the effectors of cell-mediated immune response in Drosophila ananassae Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-024 | Bálint Szeder The loss of scaffold protein Tks4 induces EMT like changes in HCT116 human colorectal carcinoma cells Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-025 | Zsófia Budai The potential role of transglutaminase 2 in skeletal muscle regeneration Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-026 | Alexandra Brigitta Szarka-Kovács The role of Mesr4 in germline stem cell differentiation Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-027 | Kitti Szabó The role of syndecan-4/Rac1 signalling in myoblast differentiation and fusion Cell differentiation and signaling |
P-028 | Elham Alzyoud Basal body composition during spermatogenesis of Drosophila melanogaster Developmental genetics |
P-029 | Gabriella Gazsó-Gerhát Examination of the redundancy between DAAM and FRL formins during pigment cell development in the Drosophila eye Developmental genetics |
P-030 | Melinda Bence Role of Su(var)2-10 gene in germ cell development of Drosophila melanogaster Developmental genetics |
P-031 | Ibrahim Karam Small ovary (sov) regulates transposon silencing by prompting heterochromatin formation in Drosophila Developmental genetics |
P-032 | Péter Borkúti Testing the biological significance of the nuclear localization of actin Developmental genetics |
P-033 | Kinga Szilasi Testis specific proteasome subunits in Drosophila melanogaster Developmental genetics |
P-034 | László Henn The role of linker Histone H1 variant in early Drosophila embryogenesis Developmental genetics |
P-035 | Máté Varga Uracil in the DNA during the early development of zebrafish Developmental genetics |
P-036 | Endre Sebestyén Chromatin fractionation sequencing for the detection of early heterochromatin alterations in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-037 | Rosevalentine Bosire Constrained and extranucleosomal superhelicity impose a barrier to intercalation in native chromatin Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-038 | Ranti Dev Shukla Developing novel gene integration and amplification techniques for enhanced transgene expression in Escherichia coli Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-039 | Eszter Gecse Early and long term behavioral and molecular patterns evoked by toxic stresses in Caenorhabditis elegans Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-040 | Erfaneh Firouzi Niaki Effect of DNA targeting drugs on DNA topology Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-041 | Judit Vágó Epigenetic regulation of chondrogenesis in chicken micromass cell cultures Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-042 | Gerda Wachtl Functional studies of the domesticated human PGBD1 transposon Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-043 | Csaba Fillér Investigation of meiotic DNA Double-Strand Break (DSB) proteins with chromosome conformation capture techniques Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-044 | Ildikó Kristó Investigation the role in mRNA export of the actin binding protein, moesin Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-045 | Zsolt Czimmerer Prior IL-4 exposure induces chromatin remodeling and the rearrangement of LPS-activated p65 cistrome, leading to synergistic transcriptional activation of a specific gene set in macrophages Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-046 | Zsolt Czimmerer STAT6-mediated direct repression of inflammatory enhancers limits inflammasome activation in alternatively polarized macrophages Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-047 | Krisztina Szabó The effect of the CaPpz1 protein phosphatase on gene expression in Candida albicans under oxidative stress conditions Epigenetics and Regulation of Gene expression |
P-048 | Brigitta M. Kállai An improved system for in vitro analysis of protein ubiquitination Others |
P-049 | Zsuzsa Bartos Cellular trafficking of ABCG2 variants assessed by a novel dynamic approach Others |
P-050 | Dilek Tekdal Characterization of Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase and Na+/H+ antiporter genes in Turkish endemic plant species V. turcica Others |
P-051 | Abu Imran Baba CRK5 protein kinase exhibits an essential role in embryogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana Others |
P-052 | Boglárka Aszódi Determining the optimal cell conservation method with highest proportion of cells alive after culture re-initiation Others |
P-053 | Ágota Nagy Discreet charm of the smallest APC/C subunit in Drosophila Others |
P-054 | Katharina Preißinger Dissection of Plasmodium falciparum developmental stages with multiple imaging methods Others |
P-055 | Mátyás Sipiczki Double sterility barrier and its breakdown in reproductively isolated yeast species Others |
P-056 | Antal Nyeste Establishment of an MRP4 (ABCC4) knock-out cell line using CRISPR/Cas9 system Others |
P-057 | Bálint Biró Expression patterns of motilin, gastrin, ghrelin and somatostatin in association with the Left Displaced Abomasum in cattle Others |
P-058 | Orsolya Palócz Frequency of a single nucleotide substitution of ABCB1 gene in herding dog breeds in Hungary Others |
P-059 | Katalin Vincze Genetic risk variants in the major histocompatibility complex region in a Hungarian schizophrenia sample Others |
P-060 | Dilek Tekdal High-throughput targeted microsatellite marker development in Vuralia turcica (Piyan) Others |
P-061 | Anett Vranesics In vivo diffusion tensor imaging of the brains of stressed rats Others |
P-062 | Syed Muhammad Nurulain Investigation of cholinergic enzymes in heroin and polydrug addiction Others |
P-063 | Tibor Hajdú Isolation and culturing of human cutaneous melanocytes Others |
P-064 | Balázs Libisch Metagenomic analysis of acquired antibiotic resistance genes in the gut microbiome of wild boars (Sus scrofa) Others |
P-065 | Krisztina Jámbor Ostepontin splice variants expression in malignant melanoma cell lines Others |
P-066 | Dóra Faragó PlantSize: an affordable non-destructive method to measure plant size and color in vitro Others |
P-067 | Gábor Rigó Role of the Arabidopsis thaliana CRK5 protein kinase in the gravitropic response Others |
P-068 | Krisztina Percze Selection of aptamers of therapeutic potential for respiratory syncytial virus infection Others |
P-069 | András Tálas Sequence specificity of Cas9 variants on one million target sequences Others |
P-070 | Norbert Andrási The Heat Shock Factor A4A regulates responses to combined salt and heat stresses Others |
P-071 | Laura Zsigmond The role of Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial proteins in stress responses Others |
P-072 | Péter Gudmann Triacylglycerol-deficient mutants exhibit altered surface membrane properties in fission yeast Others |
P-073 | Ágota Nagy Ubiquitin pool dynamics revealed by quantifying ubiquitin forms in Drosophila UPS mutants Others |
P-074 | Anna Müller A new approach to the experimental analysis of the human transmembrane proteome Protein structure and function |
P-075 | Nikolett Zsibrita A simple E. coli system for studying sequence-specific DNA binding of proteins Protein structure and function |
P-076 | Andrea Teréz Vig Activities of Flightless-I (Fli-I) in the organisation of actin cytoskeleton Protein structure and function |
P-077 | Anikó Mentes, Erzsébet Fichó Analysis of Heterodimeric “Mutual Synergistic Folding”-complexes Protein structure and function |
P-078 | Nikolett Király Annexin A2 is a new interacting partner of TIMAP in endothelial cells Protein structure and function |
P-079 | Ahmed Rozza Atomistic modelling of gas molecule diffusion in H-NOX proteins Protein structure and function |
P-080 | István Földi Characterization of the direct and indirect interactions between formins and microtubules Protein structure and function |
P-081 | Annamária Kiss-Tóth Comprehensive analysis of intrinsically disordered regions in postsynaptic scaffold proteins Protein structure and function |
P-082 | Zsuzsánna Nagy Developing a novel protein-tagging, immunodetection and purification system Protein structure and function |
P-083 | Áthelyezve a P-II szekció végére / Moved to the end of session P-II | |
P-084 | Zsuzsanna Gyöngy Elucidation of the conformational changes of ABCG2 in permeabilized cells Protein structure and function |
P-085 | Bence Kiss Examination of BFSP1 (Beaded Filament structural Protein 1 or Filensin) tumor specific splice variants in ex vivo human tumorous tissue and human serum samples Protein structure and function |
P-086 | Zsuzsa Szabó In vitro characterisation of human transglutaminase 4 activity and biological stability Protein structure and function |
P-087 | Tamás Horváth Intrinsically disordered linkers impart processivity on enzymes by spatial confinement of binding domains Protein structure and function |
P-088 | Tamás Madarász Investigating the regulatory function of IBAR and IRSp53 proteins in the formation of membrane nanotubes Protein structure and function |
P-089 | Rita Pancsa Mislocalized phase separation by oncogenic fusion proteins: a frequent cause of cancers Protein structure and function |
P-090 | Julianna Oláh Multiscale modelling of protein-ligand interactions in heme enzymes Protein structure and function |
P-091 | Hasan Mamar Mutational analysis of a deubiquitylating enzyme-coding gene in Drosophila melanogaster Protein structure and function |
P-092 | Angéla Békési Nanobodies as potent tools in structural and functional studies of large multidomain partially disordered proteins Protein structure and function |
P-093 | Éva Schád Relationship between interfaces, binding strength and specificity of disordered protein complexes Protein structure and function |
P-094 | Wijitra Meelua Revealing the catalytic mechanism and stereoselectivity of the dinuclear zinc enzyme dihydropyrimidinase with quantum chemical approach Protein structure and function |
P-095 | Eszter Nagy-Kanta, Zita Harmat Structural and functional characterization of the GKAP post-synaptic density scaffold protein Protein structure and function |
P-096 | Marcell Váradi Structural determinants of the long-distance interaction between human UPF1 and UPF2 Protein structure and function |
P-097 | Péter Ecsédi Structural determination of p53 – S100A4 complex using annexin A2 as a novel crystallization chaperone Protein structure and function |
P-098 | Péter Gaszler Structural differences between Gelsolin and Flightless-I proteins and their behaviour in the presence and absence of Ca2+-ion Protein structure and function |
P-099 | Beáta Szabó The effect of phosphorylation on the RNA-binding capacity of the Ezh2 disordered loop region Protein structure and function |
P-100 | Alexandra Holló The effect of the MYO16 ankyrin domain on the actomyosin system Protein structure and function |
P-101 | Adrienn Skopál The role of adenosine 2A receptor activation in the vesicular trafficking of macrophages Protein structure and function |
P-102 | Rawan Abukhairan The role of polyQ region in the RNA binding of Mixed Lineage Leukemia 4 (MLL4) protein Protein structure and function |
P-103 | Julia K. Varga Using ubiquitinated positions to gather membrane protein topology data Protein structure and function |
P-104 | Dávid Kis Acute and chronic health effects of extracellular vesicles from irradiated mice Stem cells |
P-105 | Edit Hathy CRISPR genome editing based isogenic induced pluripotent stem cell system for schizophrenia disease modeling Stem cells |
P-106 | Elen Gócza Discovery the role of MIR-302 cluster in chicken and rabbit stem cells Stem cells |
P-108 | Julianna Lilienberg Effect of microglial cells on the neurite outgrowth of human stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells Stem cells |
P-109 | Dóra Reé Establishment and characterization of DGCR8 knock-out human embryonic stem cells for modelling DiGeorge syndrome Stem cells |
P-110 | Bálint Jezsó How expression pattern of ABCG2 does change during neural differentiation? Stem cells |
P-111 | Viktória Halasy Role of CXCR4-CXCL12 signaling in colonization of developing bursa of Fabricius Stem cells |
P-112 | Eszter Szabó Stem cell-based modelling of cardiac and neuronal phenotypes in DiGeorge syndrome Stem cells |
P-113 | Tamás Kovács The role of BMP signaling and the embryonic ceca in the enteric nervous system development Stem cells |
P-114 | Pál Botó Zbtb46 mediated suppression of the embryonic stem cell derived myeloid lineage development Stem cells |
P-162 | Mária Husvéth-Tóth In vitro modelling the protective effect of rosuvastatin against doxorubicin-induced endothelial injury Drug development |
P-171 | Ildikó Bódi A new phenotype in the thymus of children operated with atrial septal defect Molecular mechanism of diseases |
Poster Session II. (P115 – P225) – Saturday, 30 March 2019
P-115 | Lili Anna Kenéz A new relationship between miniCORVET and HOPS tethering complexes Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-116 | Marianna Holczer A systems biological analysis of AMPK-mTOR-ULK1 module-controlled autophagy Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-117 | Sarolta Tóth C11.1 protein is a new regulator of actin network rearrangement involved in exocytosis of secretory granules Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-118 | Renáta Gáspár Cardiomyocytes are protected by kynurenic acid against simulated ischemia/reperfusion injury Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-119 | Margita Márton Connections between genes of PERK pathway upon endoplasmic reticulum stress Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-120 | Hussein Abuammar Deciphering the role of the small GTPase Rab27 in Drosophila autophagy Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-121 | Erika Fodor Developing genetic tools to study the role of autophagy in zebrafish development and tissue homeostasis Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-122 | Péter Nánási Doxorubicin induces large-scale and distinct H2A and H2B redistribution in live cells Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-123 | Janka Szinyákovics EDTP and MTMR14 lipid phosphatases promote brain aging by progressively downregulating autophagy throughout adulthood Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-124 | Zoltán Kovács FRAP analysis of the nuclear import of the cytoskeletal Moesin protein Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-125 | Dalma Feil-Börcsök Investigation of sorting nexin functions in Drosophila tissues Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-126 | Ármin Sőth Investigation of the interaction of two endosomal tethering factors, Rabenosyn-5 and Vps18 Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-127 | Dávid Tóth Links between DNA repair proteins and autophagy regulation Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-128 | Asha Kiran Maddali Lipids of autophagic membranes and their functional roles Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-129 | Zsófia Simon-Vecsei Loss of Vps18 affect autophagy and cell adhesion of mammalian cells Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-130 | András Rubics Rab3GAP-Rab18 module promotes autolysosome maturation through Atg14-PI3K complex Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-131 | Poulami Banik The role of the autophagy machinery in glial engulfment of axon debris Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-132 | Zsófia Gyetvai The role of the SNARE protein Ykt6 in crinophagy Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-133 | Kinga Tagscherer Two myotubularin phosphatases, EDTP and Mtmr6, differentially regulate autophagy in Drosophila melanogaster Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-134 | Győző Szenci Ykt6 acts as a non-canonical SNARE in autophagosome-lysosome fusion Autophagy and intracellular trafficking |
P-135 | Péter Szikora Analyzing the effect of splicing factor mutations with information theoretic methods Bioinformatics |
P-136 | Ádám Nagy Analyzing the prognostic value of immunomodulatory genes in multiple types of solid tumors Bioinformatics |
P-137 | Torda Varga COMPARE1K+, a bioinformatic pipeline and an R package to analyse the evolution of thousands of genomes Bioinformatics |
P-138 | Ilona Tornyi Comprehensive analysis of signal peptide prediction algorithms Bioinformatics |
P-139 | Emese Tolnai Effect of dietary fructooligosacharide (FOS), carotenoids, anthocyanins and probiotics supplementation on the intestinal microbiome in broiler chickens Bioinformatics |
P-140 | Noam Makmal Epigenetic determinants of gene expression noise in hematopoietic stem cells Bioinformatics |
P-141 | Áron Bartha Features of exceptional survivors – defining advanced stage cancer patients with prolonged overall survival Bioinformatics |
P-142 | Gábor Fidler Impact of different alterations of sample preparation, lysis protocols and DNA separation on shifts in composition of broiler chicken microbiota Bioinformatics |
P-143 | Menyhart Otília Potential new therapeutic targets in colorectal carcinoma linked to driver mutations Bioinformatics |
P-144 | Zoltán Gáspári Prediction of single α-helices in large sequence sets Bioinformatics |
P-145 | Mónika Mórocz An old player in a new role: HLTF tumour suppressor fighting shoulder to shoulder with FANCJ against replication stress DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-146 | Karola Almási Analyses of the function of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mgs1 protein in G-quadruplex replication DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-147 | Ádám Póti Correlation of homologous recombination deficiency induced mutational signatures with sensitivity to PARP inhibitors and cytotoxic agents DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-148 | Enikő Sajben-Nagy Development of new reporter systems to monitor the accuracy of G4 replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-149 | Sham Jdeed Dissecting molecular pathways to understand breast cancer chemoprevention DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-150 | András Penyige Identification of differentially-expressed miRNAs in plasma samples of ovarian cancer patients DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-151 | Rita Hirmondó Investigation of the mutator effects of various genotoxic stresses provides insight into the mechanism of drug resistance development in Mycobacteria DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-152 | Szabó Judit Eszter Investigation of uracil-DNA repair in Staphylococcus aureus DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-153 | Szilvia Juhász PARylation and DNA accessibility during the DNA damage response DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-154 | Kata Dudás Regulatory function of ZBTB1 in the DNA damage tolerance pathways DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-155 | Kovács Mihály Single-molecule techniques reveal how proteins can access DNA coated by SSB proteins DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-156 | Dániel Molnár The effects of genotoxic stress factors on DNA repair system in Mycobacteria DNA repair and Carcinogenesis |
P-157 | Virág Székely A novel fluorescence-based assay to characterize transporters involved in hepatic detoxification Drug development |
P-158 | Orsolya Lang Design of novel heterocyclic molecules for apoptosis induction Drug development |
P-159 | Mohana Krishna Gopisetty Endoplasmic reticulum stress: major player in size-dependent inhibition of P-glycoprotein by silver nanoparticles in multidrug-resistant breast cancer cells Drug development |
P-160 | Virág Demján Impact of Stellaria media tea lyophilizate on hypercholesterolemia in rats Drug development |
P-161 | László Kőhidai Impedance-based analysis – A dedicated technique to characterize efficacy of novel antitumour compounds Drug development |
P-162 | Áthelyezve a P-I szekció végére / Moved to the end of session P-I |
P-163 | István Szász New perspective in melanoma treatment – Targeting endoplasmatic reticulum stress Drug development |
P-164 | Réka Laczkó-Rigó Structural dissection of 13-epiestrones based on the interaction with the steroid transporting human Organic Anion-Transporting Polypeptide, OATP2B1 Drug development |
P-165 | Kuljeet Singh The effect of sour cherry flavonoids and Anthocyanins on Pgp activity Drug development |
P-166 | Dániel Gerber Advances of bioinformatic methodology in archaeogenetics Human genetics and archaeogenetics |
P-167 | Gloria Zodanu Chromosome 22q11 copy number variations in paediatric and adult patients with congenital heart defects Human genetics and archaeogenetics |
P-168 | Kornélia Tripolszki Computational and functional analyses of angiogenin mutations identified in Hungarian patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Human genetics and archaeogenetics |
P-169 | Kitti Maár Maternal lineages from 10th century commoner cemeteries of the Carpathian Basin Human genetics and archaeogenetics |
P-170 | Éva Viola Surányi A comprehensive analysis of the contribution of genotoxic stress conditions to the development of antibiotic resistance genes in Mycobacteria Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-171 | Áthelyezve a P-I szekció végére / Moved to the end of session P-I | |
P-172 | Máté Varga A new zebrafish model for Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-173 | Orsolya Mózner ABCG2 mutations found in gout patients have various effects on the expression of the protein Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-174 | Ádám Tiszlavicz Acquired cellular stress resistance in the absence of heat shock protein induction Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-175 | Vince Szegeczki Alterations of PACAP signalling in testis of Alzheimer’s disease modelling mice Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-176 | Csilla Szűcs-Somogyi Atypical in vitro chondrogenesis upon Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 modulation Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-177 | Tomasz Poplawski Base excision repair in Rheumatoid arthritis – a correlation of DNA repair efficiency with the BER genes polymorphisms. Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-178 | Dominika Kovács Clinically used PARP inhibitor olaparib protects against oxidative stress-induced epithelial barrier dysfunction in vitro Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-179 | Petra Diószegi Decorin protects cardiomyocytes against doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-180 | Márton Szabó Diet-induced hypercholesterolemia is associated with alterations in cardiac gene expression profile Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-181 | Renáta Hamar dkc1 mutations are associated with changes in tp53 expression and growth impairment Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-182 | Ireneusz Majsterek Evaluation of BDNF and HSP70 gene expression in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis patient in Polish population Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-183 | Fanni Dóra Gene expressional changes in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex of suicide victims – an RNA sequencing study Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-184 | Kitti Andreidesz Investigating the effects of a PARP inhibitor, HO-3089, on signaling pathways in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rat lung tissue Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-185 | Nikoletta Gálik Investigation of the activation of certain DNA repair enzymes in Mycobacterium smegmatis under stress conditions Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-186 | János Schmidt Lysophosphatidylcholine depletion in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma identifies MAGL and LYPLA1 as potential biomarkers Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-187 | Orsolya Biró Maternal and fetal folate metabolism gene polymorphisms as risk factors for congenital heart disease Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-188 | Zsolt Matula Mitochondrial exchange between myeloma cells and bone marrow stromal cells Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-189 | Gyöngyvér Orsolya Sándor Pancreatic cancer patient-derived 3D organoids to analyze extracellular vesicles Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-190 | Sára Sándor The role of endogenous retroelements in neural aging in the canine model of human senescence Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-191 | Ádám Sipos The role of HCN2 in the development of ileus Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-192 | Gábor Hajdú Toxic stress-specific molecular cytoprotective responses determine behavioural adaptation in C. elegans Molecular mechanism of diseases |
P-193 | Ádám Pap A neglected post-translational modification: extracellular O-glycosylation Proteomics |
P-194 | Róbert Király An attempt to identify interacting partners and substrates of transglutaminase 4 Proteomics |
P-195 | Ervin Gyenge Analysis of salivary protein profiles in oral leukoplakia, oral lichen planus and oral squamous cell carcinoma using proteomics techniques Proteomics |
P-196 | Katalin Kékesi Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induced synaptic proteomic changes in rat central nervous system Proteomics |
P-197 | Éva Csősz Dissecting the uteroptrophic effect of estradiol in rodents by mass spectrometry-based proteomics Proteomics |
P-198 | Márton Gyula Milley Effect of repeated measurements and choice of database search engines in bottom-up proteomics Proteomics |
P-199 | Balázs Vedelek Identification and validation of H1 interacting partners Proteomics |
P-200 | Bálint Péterfia Interaction of the postsynaptic scaffold proteins GKAP and Shank-1 Proteomics |
P-201 | Bella Bruszel Investigation of serum protein biomarkers for human glioblastoma multiforme Proteomics |
P-202 | Gábor Kecskeméti Investigation of the effect of overexpression of different ABC transporters on the cell membrane proteome Proteomics |
P-203 | Gábor Tóth On-tissue digestion of prostate cancer biopsies for proteomics Proteomics |
P-204 | Katalin Medzihradszky Phosphorylation-dependent diversification of RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED protein complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana Proteomics |
P-206 | Gergő Kalló Quantitative analysis of tear proteins from patients with diabetic retinopathy with different mass spectrometry-based methods Proteomics |
P-207 | Gitta Schlosser Statistical investigation of citrulline effect on a citrullinome database Proteomics |
P-208 | József Kardos Synaptic functional disturbances leading to C1Q deposition in health and disease Proteomics |
P-209 | Emese Tolnai Alterations of certain microRNA expressions in fevered neutropenia patients Regulatory RNAs |
P-210 | Beáta Boros-Oláh Examination of R-loops and chromatin loops with chromatin conformation capture techniques Regulatory RNAs |
P-211 | Éva Hamar Identification of RNA interference-related genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Regulatory RNAs |
P-212 | Anna Farkas The role of lncRNAs and histone methyltransferases in epithelial-mesenchymal transition Regulatory RNAs |
P-213 | Ábel Fóthi Tissue-specific promoter usage regulates primary microRNA processing efficiency of the human Chromosome 19 MicroRNA Cluster Regulatory RNAs |
P-214 | Anita Kurilla Translation termination factor is regulated by readthrough and NMD through 3’UTR intron in N. crassa Regulatory RNAs |
P-215 | András Kis Utilization of CRISPR/Cas9 system for investigation of a potential new wheat miRNA targeting RNA polymerase V (Pol V) subunit Regulatory RNAs |
P-216 | Emese Demián Viral diagnostics of rootstock plantations and the complex pathogen elimination methods of grapevine by small RNA NGS Regulatory RNAs |
P-217 | Dániel Baráth Virome of Hungarian peach plantations identified by small RNA NGS Regulatory RNAs |
P-218 | Bíborka Pillér Cellular interactions in yeast colonies Systems biology |
P-219 | Ildikó Karcagi Generation of successive random deletions in E. coli reveals the evolutionary gains and limits of genome reduction Systems biology |
P-220 | János Juhász In-silico modelling of yeast colony growth Systems biology |
P-221 | Bence Keömley-Horváth Integrating molecular databases in a proteome-wide simulation environment Systems biology |
P-222 | Nóra Molnár, Emese Nagy Morphological characteristics of yeast colonies Systems biology |
P-223 | Bertalan Kovács Structural ensembles of PDZ tandem generated by externally restrained MD simulation Systems biology |
P-224 | Walliyulahi Ajibola The effect of local rifampicin treatment on the composition and resistance of the intestinal microbiota: the first steps taken Systems biology |
P-225 | Eszter Németh The genomic imprint of cancer therapies helps timing the formation of metastases Systems biology |
P-083 | Rita Szilvia Kiss Effect of protein aggregation on protein complex assemblies Protein structure and function |